2016 Sport Addiction Canadian Year in Review

Canada is heading into its 150th year and just before the sports landscape in the country as Canadian sports took on a bigger role on the international scene.

2016 Sport Addiction Year in Review

2016 was a strange year for everyone as there was a lot of bad in the world but sports was there to provide an escape with plenty of great to go along with the not so great.

2015 Sport Addiction Canadian Year in Review

Canadian sports continued to evolve throughout the year and more than ever sports took focus uniting a country together and sparking debate.

2015 Sport Addiction Year in Review

It was a busy year full of great accomplishments and damaging scandals but here are the stories that made the biggest headlines in 2015.

The Sport Addiction 2014 Year in Sports

The Year in Sports was a difficult one to figure out as the accomplishments of so many were often overshadowed by terrible actions of the few. It was a year where the Olympics provided great stories day in and day out and yet many to a backseat to other stories. Heroes rose in 2014 but they were not the stories that took precedence in 2014. Instead it was the fall of heroes that took most of the headlines this past year. It is a common occurrence in the world of sports especially with the evolution of the sports world.

The Sport Addiction 2014 Year in Canadian Sports

It was another wild year in Canadian sports as the country took another step in the drive to become a powerful sports nation. It has been a long path as Canadians rarely get the credit they deserve for their accomplishments in sports. The country has always been a hockey nation and has always been great at the sport. The accomplishments of hockey players and hockey teams will always dominate the headlines in Canada.

2013 Year in Review (This Year’s Top Canadian Stories)

Canadian sports have been nailed down to one season and one sport and has been this way for years. The Canadians have never been considered a summer sport nation and have seen hockey as the true Canadian sport. This has been the case for decades with Canadians taking ownership of hockey and winter sports as their own and using it as a sense of pride.

2013 Year in Review (This Year’s Top Stories)

2013 was not a sports powerhouse year as there were no major events throughout the year but that wouldn’t stop the stories from coming. There was plenty to talk about this year despite the lack of major world events. It was a year of great surprises but one aspect of the year took over the rest. 2013 was not the most positive year for sports as heroes fell almost monthly in a year that was not great for those who support the merits of sports and sports figures.

Searching for a Hero

Oscar Pistorius first entered the sports world before the 2008 Olympics when the sprinter who was born without fibulas and with two prosthetic legs would attempt to qualify for the Summer Olympics. After competing and dominating in the Paralympics Pistorius would try to become the first double amputee to run in the Olympics. He would not qualify for the 2008 Olympics but his inspirational story was just beginning.

The New Sports Epidemic

Athletes are a special breed of people as they have something in them that makes them constantly push to be the best. For the best athletes in the world it is a lot more than the natural gifts they are born with. The best players in the world are the best because of a specific mentality they possess above the rest of us.

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